Welcome Heiress! — Sacred Self Care

Najah's Amazing "Nerve Tonic" Healing Infusions Testimony

Carmen Abercrombie Healing Herbs Sacred Self Care Stress Less Testimonies

Najah's Amazing "Nerve Tonic" Healing Infusions Testimony

Nerve Tonic Healing Infusions Testimony - Back on April 29, 2019 I was diagnosed with CSR Retinopathy (central vision loss, seeing a flash or gray spot in eye) due to extreme stress and anxiety. And when one is highly stressed and experience anxiety, our natural cortisone levels in our body increases, I know stress can cause some harmful effects to our body, but my vision I was not expecting at all. I did some research on my own and seen that many of people suffer for years with this condition, and I did not want to go through what some...

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His Love, Her Love, Self-Love

Carmen Abercrombie Celebrating in tough times Sacred Self Care Self Care Self Treats Valentine's Day

His Love, Her Love, Self-Love

Hi Beautiful! How have you been? To be honest with you, this year has been an emotional rollercoaster ride for me! So much so that I was about pass on the whole Valentine's Day thing! After attending a dear friend's fun and girly 60th Birthday Brunch on Sunday however I was reminded of why we must continue to celebrate life through times of sadness, sickness and even grief! Valentine's Day is not just about couples and romance! It's a celebration of love which includes SELF-LOVE which requires SACRED SELF CARE! If you're like me you can use some Sacred Self-Care right about now!...

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