Welcome Heiress!
DETOX Healing Infusions ~
Carmen Abercrombie

Aromatherapy (What should should know)
Carmen Abercrombie

I began studying and practicing Aromatherapy in the early nineties, long before becoming a wellness coach. The first thing I like to establish about Aromatherapy is that it is not a New Age modality. God created fragrant flowering plants and aromatic herbs to bring beauty to the earth and vital, restorative substances to all living creation. They were given to be used for food, health and well-being. We were created with the physical senses and biological makeup to benefit from plants in many marvelous ways and Aromatherapy is one of them. The bible shows us how fragrant essential oils were...
Holding On To The Glories Of Autumn!
Carmen Abercrombie

I know tradition says that we are to put away Fall and bring out Christmas right after Thanksgiving, but I'm holding out for another week! My table is set so beautifully for season this year. I feel no need to pack everything away so soon! After all, the trees are in no hurry. Many are still holding on to their Autmun leaves. What do you think?
Get It Done & Have Some Fun In 2021!
Carmen Abercrombie

Hey Lovely! Are you set for an amazing 2021 yet? Self-Care Practices? Work Out Routine? Wellness Kitchen? Vision Board? Yearly Business Plan? Lifestyle & Travel? It's not too late. You can do this and you'll be soooo glad that you did!
Blessed December Heiress! (We made it through!)
Carmen Abercrombie

It's December can you believe it? I know! All I can say is thank you Jesus' that we made it through more craziness and loss than we've seen in our lifetimes! This year has proven that 'God truly does harden us to difficulties'! I can actually say that the losses that I've been through in my life (having all 5 of my immediate family members pass on before Covid) has given me the strength to better handle the passing of a 1st cousin, 2 clients, several dear friends and my mentor this year! I may not be able to see...