5 Pc. FEMALE EASE Wellness Tote
4oz. Wellness Mist, 4oz. Aromassage Organic B&B Oil, 6oz. Bath & Shower Gel, Wellness Wand and 4oz. "Nerve Tonic" Healing Infusions (Tea) in Vinyl Travel Tote
(Rose Geranium, Sweet Marjoram, Ylang Ylang & Clary Sage)
"Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace." Proverbs 3:17 Eases anxiety, hypertension, irritability and mood swings associated with menopause and PMS. A powerful euphoric and antidepressant with estrogen like properties. Brings tranquillity & balance to the mind and emotions. Stimulates the adrenal cortex thus helping to invigorate the body and regulate hormonal balance. May relieve hot flashes as well as help to regulate menstrual cycle. Anti-inflammatory. Relaxes achy, stiff muscles. Relieves candida. A general tonic, useful for convalescence and post-natal recovery and depression. Promotes restful sleep. Female Ease bath & body products also make beautifying skin treatments as the rose geranium & clary sage nourish and regenerate the skin.