Welcome Heiress! — Self Care

Aromatherapy (What should should know)

Carmen Abercrombie Aromatherapy Self Care

Aromatherapy (What should should know)

I began studying and practicing Aromatherapy in the early nineties, long before becoming a wellness coach. The first thing I like to establish about Aromatherapy is that it is not a New Age modality. God created fragrant flowering plants and aromatic herbs to bring beauty to the earth and vital, restorative substances to all living creation. They were given to be used for food, health and well-being. We were created with the physical senses and biological makeup to benefit from plants in many marvelous ways and Aromatherapy is one of them. The bible shows us how fragrant essential oils were...

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His Love, Her Love, Self-Love

Carmen Abercrombie Celebrating in tough times Sacred Self Care Self Care Self Treats Valentine's Day

His Love, Her Love, Self-Love

Hi Beautiful! How have you been? To be honest with you, this year has been an emotional rollercoaster ride for me! So much so that I was about pass on the whole Valentine's Day thing! After attending a dear friend's fun and girly 60th Birthday Brunch on Sunday however I was reminded of why we must continue to celebrate life through times of sadness, sickness and even grief! Valentine's Day is not just about couples and romance! It's a celebration of love which includes SELF-LOVE which requires SACRED SELF CARE! If you're like me you can use some Sacred Self-Care right about now!...

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